Friday, December 01, 2006

things have been crazy!

No time for the blog, I'm sad to say. I'm drowning in craziness.

One crazy thing is this presentation I have to give this sunday - 20 W 44th. Independent press. org or some such. Don't hear me talk but come to the signing part afterward! I need comfort and support! Public speaking is traumatizing. sigh.

more later today when I am more sane



  1. Meghan and Grace,

    Congratulations on making Kirkus Best!

    (Meghan, I am supposed to go to a bookstore and draw in public today. I have a major stomach ache. Wonder if there will even be anyone there?)


  2. Meghan, what time on Sunday?

  3. Alvina-- 1-2. Be prepared for something awful! I have NOOOO time for this right now! Aaa!

    KT-- I feel your pain. I don't like some aspects of being an author. I want to be alone in my apartment... not in front of thousands of people!
