Thursday, August 31, 2006

society of illustrators original art

The Society of Illustrators show is happening at the end of next month. It's the original art show which displays what the judges think are the best-illustrated books of the year. I checked out all the books last year and there was quite a variety. I can't say that I would have picked the same ones... and some of the choices were a bit enigmatic, but it's always worthwhile to check out the show (I also can't complain since I was in it!). It's really interesting to see which pieces look better in person and which don't. I think my artwork looks better in person. I paint quite large (for an illustrator) and sometimes my art doesn't reproduce that well (especially the dark pieces that reflect light from the scanner).

If you happen to be going to the opening, please find me and say hi! I'll definitely be there taking advantage of the free wine (which may be a dangerous thing). I can also buy extra tickets so maybe this time I'll bring my posse!

What do you all think of these shows and awards? Do you agree with the choices? Disagree?

I might have more to say later this evening after my run, so stay tuned....



  1. Happy BlogDay!

  2. I never get in this show, but I appreciate it because it shows viewers how children's book art is, in fact, art.

  3. Good point, Grace. I don't understand why so many people don't consider illustration art. A lot of people are surprised when I say I paint. I'm not sure how they think artwork for books usually gets done...

    And you should be in that show!

  4. Nancy, what's happy blog day? I couldn't access the link, but I'll try again later.

    And Meghan, congrats on making it into the show! I'll be there--two of my illustrators' books made it in as well, Jeff Newman for HIPPO! NO, RHINO and Peter Brown for CHOWDER. It's a great exhibit, although I do sometimes wonder why certain pieces make it in and others don't.

  5. That's great (about jeff and peter). I actually didn't have anything submitted this year (and usually don't submit anyway), so it's easy not to feel sour grapes!

  6. I seriously think everyone needs to take a look at the books SOI leaves in a pile on the bottom floor... the books that got into the show. That's all I have to say.

