Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Welcome our COMOCL!

Our esteemed friend, Elaine M. has joined our blog on a more permanent basis! Elaine, devoted poetry enthusiast, will post Friday mornings in honor of Poetry Friday with contributions of book reviews and other things of interest to a Cool Old Matron of Children's Literature. By the way, she chose her title. We don't think she's an old matron at all.


  1. Welcome, Elaine! I'm looking forward to seeing which books you review.

  2. Alvina,

    Thanks for the welcome.

    Writing reviews and other prose is a torturous process for me. I do a gazillion revisions of every piece I write. Maybe I should just stick to poetry! Not that poetry doesn't require revision--but the pieces are much shorter.

    Let me say that I was honored by the invitation to be a contributor to your blog. I will do my best to live up to the standards the Blue Rose Girls have set. And I should fit in well because I'm a big fan of cupcakes! Someday I'll make
    you ladies my semi-famous muscovites! If you like chocolate--you'll LOVE them.

  3. Elaine, I'm so glad you'll be posting here about poetry. Many of us over at livejournal are on board with Poetry Friday. Here's one of my recent Poetry Friday posts: http://kristydempsey.livejournal.com/26406.html

  4. Thanks, Kristy.
    I, too, love poetry--both children's and adult. I've been writing children's poems for about thirty years.

    I agree that poetry can take hold of your heart. I just hope I will be able to get a few readers of my Poetry Friday posts hooked on poetry, too!

    P.S. I liked your poem.

  5. Oh goody, another retired librarian on the web! Loved the poem about Mars.
