Sunday, November 05, 2006

back from DC

Well, I was in Washington DC this weekend for the Multicultural Children’s Book Fair at the Kennedy Center. I'm not exactly sure who runs it (I think Target is a sponsor) but kudos to whomever is in charge. Right from the get-go, when the authors sat down at 12, people were bursting at the doors to come in. It was BUSY, even though heavyweight talents like Walter Dean Myers, Nikki Grimes and Karen Katz were there--everyone was signing for 5 hours straight. Even l'il old me! The only bad thing was that I didn't really get to really make too many new acquaintances; and I forgot to take pictures until the last 15 minutes. Sorry! Here's what I got:

This is the author signing room. You can see we are two long rows of authors, which is what makes the constant flow even more amazing. This is the quietest it was the whole time because the festival is about 8 minutes to being over.

The only author I really got to talk to was the beautiful Pooja Makhijani, who's book Mama's Saris is just as lovely as the author. Can I tell you how jealous I am of her author photo? She's offered to pass on the name of her photographer. I'll, of course, take her up on that, but methinks I will not have such nice results. Sure, sure fine feathers and all but it helps when the bird is is not a turkey.

And here's me. I'm not sure why the non-reflection lens of my glasses reflect so much, but I suppose it can't be helped. And I didn't realize my v-neck sweater was so deep a V. Hope I didn't scandalize any little kids out there.


  1. Gosh, you're such the slutty author. Just kidding. Sounds like a marvelous conference, and glad you got to talk to Pooja!

  2. I've never seen that many children in one place at one time. It was at once inspiring and annoying.

    It was such a joy to meet Grace. And she signed my copy of YEAR OF THE DOG! I'll treasure it :).

  3. That photo in front of the white house is awesome! you should run for office, Grace!
