Friday, February 09, 2007


Kelly at Big A, little a has a book review of COWLICK. It's a kind of pourquoi story that attempts to explain how those wayward tufts of hair known as cowlicks are created. It's about a COW and a LICK...and I'll say no MOOOre!

Greg at GottaBook has a food poem about prunes for us today. I think the post title should be "Uh...Oh...GottaGo!"

In anticipation of Valentine's Day, Nancy at Journey Woman gives us a poem by Alan Dugan entitled Love Song: I and Thou.

At 7-Imp, Jules and Eisha are in love mode, too, with their Poetry Friday: Valentine Edition. Yep, they've got a poem for us entitled Falling in Love Is Like Owning a Dog.

In her The Poetry of Friday post at A Year of Reading, Mary Lee presents an original acrostic poem about...what else?...Friday!

Tricia has a terrific post, The Poetry of Science, at The Miss Rumphius Effect. She includes an excellent list of recommended poetry books.

If you're looking for some love poetry for kids, scoot on over to Poetry for Children. Sylvia has a list of poetry books she recommends and a poem by Ralph Fletcher entitled Owl Pellets.
Don't forget to check out Sylvia's post from last week, Connecting Poetry and Picture Books.

Susan Taylor Brown has posted a parcel of short thematic poems at Wordy Girls for us to read this frosty February Friday.

Emily at Whimsy Books has a book review of and an excerpt from LOVE, RUBY VALENTINE in her Love and a Little Anxiety post.

Adrienne gives us a review of WINGS FROM WORDS: AN ANTHOLOGY OF POEMS, which was selected and illustrated by Tasha Tudor. This book, published in 1964, sounds like a forgotten treasure.

At Propernoun, Mindy has a review of Diane Siebert's TOUR AMERICA, one of the five Cybils poetry book finalists.

Poetry Friday Goes to the Dogs at The Kiddosphere! If you don't believe me--check it out. Actually, Jennifer Schultz has written a review of GOOD DOG, a collection of poems written from the perspective of dogs of different breeds.

Andrea and Mark at Just One More Book discuss Wong Herbert Yee's BIG BLACK BEAR, a rhyming book that never fails to crack up their girls every time they read it.

Christine suggests we go North South to The Simple and the Ordinary for an original collaborative poem written by her, Pippi, and Harry.

In For the Snark Was a Boojum, Kelly Fineman joins the Poetry Friday posters with a review of THE ANNOTATED HUNTING OF THE SNARK: THE DEFINITIVE EDITION.

The Old Coot, a retired sailor, has written an original Fib for us today.

Would "The Scholar" ever disappoint us bloggers on Poetry Friday? Ever? Never!!! Michele has Horatius, a poem written by Thomas Babbington Macaulay.

If you're in the mood for a review of a great book of haiku written by Nikki Grimes, check out the Pocket Full of Poems post at A Wrung Sponge.

And speaking of haiku, I've written reviews of three haiku poetry books that are great for younger children at my Happy Haiku to You post here at Blue Rose Girls.

Little Willow gives us F. Scott Fitzgerald's On a Play Twice Seen for our poetic reading pleasure today.

How about an old familiar children's poem written by Vachel Lindsay? Lisa Harrison gives us The Moon's the North Wind's Cooky at Passionately Curious.

Check out Susan's The Hallowed Heights of Chicken Spaghetti. She's got a post about 17 things Odysseus isn't allowed to do anymore. mythtake. I got it wrong. You'll just have to go on over to Chicken Spaghetti to find out what she has for us this Poetry Friday!

Liz In Ink tells me she's playing with jump-rope rhymes this week. So skip on over there.

The famous Liz B. at the blog with the really looonnnggg title has a fine review of THE BRAID, a verse novel written by Helen Frost. Liz includes lots of links for her blog readers.


  1. Hello!

    Thahk you!

  2. I'm in with a little original poetry

  3. Thanks for catching me Elaine! Happy PF!

  4. I'm in with "For the Snark was a Boojum, you see". and at my Blogger address as well:

  5. And here's a fib from me:

  6. Here I am!

    I heart Fitzy.

  7. Here's my link. THanks for the roundup!

  8. Elaine, Chicken Spaghetti is in the coop with a post called "The Hallowed Heights of Chicken Spaghetti."

  9. I posted mine hours ago, having been out to a Philip Pullman lecture earlier this evening, but I didn't know who was on round-up duty this week !

  10. Thanks for rounding these all up!

    I'm playing with jump-rope rhymes this week!

  11. I just posted:

    Thanks for doing the round up!
