Friday, April 27, 2007


A Funny Children’s Poem for Spring

The Worm by Ralph Bergengren was one of my favorite poems to recite to children after spring had arrived each year when I was still teaching.

Here’s how The Worm begins:

When the earth is turned in spring
The worms are fat as anything.

And birds come flying all around
To eat the worms right off the ground.

They like the worms as much as I
Like bread and milk and apple pie…

Go to this page at the website of the Poetry Foundation to read the rest of this humorous verse.

NOTE: The Worm is a good poem to use to show children examples of couplets. It can be found in THE RANDOM HOUSE BOOK OF POETRY FOR CHILDREN.

National Poetry Month at Infoplease

There are lots of links at this site to all manner of things related to poetry—including quotes by poets on poetry, poetry quizzes and crosswords, and lists of U. S. and English Poets Laureate.

At Wild Rose Reader

A Poem a Day #21: Giraffe
A Poem a Day #22: Spring Rain
A Poem a Day #23: Crinkle, Crinkle, My Old Face
A Poem a Day #24: Jack and June (A Nursery Rhyme Parody)
A Poem a Day #25: Beetle (A Haiku)
A Poem a Day #26: Yellow Days
A Poem a Day #27: Cool Pool
Here Is a Poem About…#1
Here Is a Poem About…#1 (Part 2)
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? #1 (Guess right and you’re invited to be my guest at a reading council dinner that will be held at the gorgeous Corinthian Yacht Club in Marblehead, Massachusetts, on May 23rd.)


  1. Thanks for a fun poem. I laughed since I just read How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell.

  2. Vivian,

    "The Worm" was always a favorite classroom funny poem. The kids liked the part about grossing out a mother.

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