Friday, June 22, 2007


Yes, yesterday was my day to post and yes, I did not do so. I was busy cutting my foot and going to my publisher and being sick on the subway and then going to the gym.

I have my camera back so I'll be posting some more party pictures soon! I have some other things to share, which I'll do so shortly.

Now, I must ask, is this idea crazy? I want to do a graphic novel on "the dark side" of thomas edison. It would be for teens. I think. For example, did you know that Thomas Edison tortured animals? Yes, I know, this is some serious stuff... and I'll be crushing the little notions that Edison was a hero. But I still want to do it! Weak-stomached people be damned! I want to take history writing to a new level here folks. True, my idea will probably never see the light of day. Sob.



  1. Without a doubt, you should pursue this. Whether it's Thomas Edison or a slaveholding Founding Father, I'll take an honest, balanced portrayal in the context of their time over airbrushed hagiography any day. What serious reader -- or librarian -- wouldn't?

  2. That's an awesome idea, after Edison you should do one on Columbus he even has a day for all the "great" things he did!

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  6. Did you hear about the dirty recordings that were just dug up from his factory?

    By all accounts the oral history of my family says he was cranky and anti-social, but then, the man had a lot on his plate.

  7. Hey, I'd read it -- I say go for it, seriously.

  8. As a kid, I used to tell people Thomas Edison was my hero.

    I didn't know much about him--except enough to decide he was a good, safe answer before I figured out what to base a real answer on.

    See, I didn't have a book like yours to help me!
