Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Loungy BRG weekend

As Alvina said, the Blue Rose Girls had a little getaway at Libby's this weekend. It was the first time we managed to have all of us in the same place at the same time, with the exception of our lovely poetry BRG, Elaine. First there was lounging, snacking, and talking about books.

Then more lounging, some drinking, and talking about books...

Then at some point we realized that without planning it, we were all wearing stripes (didn't mean to steal your thunder Longstockings, we are just THAT fashionable).

A more formal portrait:

And lastly, there was roller skating. Lots and lots of roller skating. Could there be a better weekend? Stay tuned for pics from Meghan and Alvina who took their cameras onto the roller rink floor... there are sure to be many extremely embarising pictures of us doing the hokey pokey on skates and trying to avoid tiny kamikaze child roller skaters darting in our paths...


  1. You guys look great in stripes as well! And "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!"

  2. Ah, there could not have been a more perfect Sunday! This picture sums it all up!

  3. Aren't you all cool with your stripes and your rental skates? All you needed was pom-poms on the front. Wish I was a BRG . . . :)

  4. Ha, you might not think we are so cool when you see the pics of us floundering around on the roller skates!

  5. I like that it looks like we're all going skiing.
