Monday, April 28, 2008

Small miracle

Some of you may remember that my beautiful blue bicycle was stolen awhile ago. I loved that bicycle. I put posters up all over town

Wherever I went, people told me how sorry they were and said they hoped I got it back.

I did. Someone saw the handlebars sticking out of the Mystic River at low tide, called the police, and then, just to be sure, called ME. The brakes are a little mushy but other than that, it works just as well as it did before. When I parked it the first day and went in to do my shopping (and thank everyone in the health foods store for their good wishes, which I believe helped), I heard someone I didn't even know saying excitedly,
"Did the girl who lost her bike get it back?"

YES! I'm glad I didn't just let it go. I not only have my bike back, but my faith in the town and even (in a small way) myself and how I deal with things.


  1. What a happy story! Congratulations!

  2. Hooray! I'm so happy for you. My bike is very important to me and I was so sad you were missing yours.

  3. How terrific! Your story brought a big smile to my face on this very gray and dreary day.

  4. Glad you got a happy ending, Libby.

  5. Thank you all! As you know I believe good wishes help. Maybe I should ask everyone to wish that my next ms. gets picked up!


  6. I'm glad the girl got her bike back too. Hooray for happily ever after.

  7. That's AMAZING! I love it!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  8. Awww... how great!

    P.S. I love your bike, too.
