Sunday, July 13, 2008

Question of the week: HOW ARE YOU PROCRASTINATING?

I keep thinking about making curtains, even though I don't have the time and am a poor sewer. But the fabric at Ikea keeps calling to me...which one do you like better?

Libby: Doing things in here that SEEM LIKE work but are actually not necessary -- or at least, not necessary right at that moment.

I admit that I am really proud of this garden -- as our loyal readers may remember, I started it last summer, with the help of the landlord's kids. It's the first garden I've ever had and I grew all the flowers from seed.

Anna: Playing with the wild stray kittens we have locked in our bathroom! How could I resist? They are the cutest kitties in the whole wide world, sigh.

Elaine: Playing with Jack, the new yellow lab that my daughter's boyfriend got recently. Look at Jack. Can you blame me?

Alvina: I haven't been procrastinating too badly this week, because I've been on vacation until Wednesday, and then had to dive right back into work. But I guess the two things that have been distracting me lately are:

1) watching the second season of America's Best Dance Crew. Those of you who read my personal blog know that I was a big Jabbawokeez fan last season. This season I love Super Cr3w. But Fanny Pak had the standout routine this week:

2) Making preparations for various birthday celebrations--it's my 34th on Wednesday the 16th. And that means a whole birthday week is in store!

1 comment:

  1. I procrastinate by reading blogs - oh well - Here's Hoping You Have a Happy Birthday
