Tuesday, October 14, 2008

meeting the ambassador

So I am in Houston for another week of visits (which I will blog about in my next post) which is lucky enough in itself, but what makes my trip even more fortuitous is that it gave me and opportunity to meet the new Ambassador of Children's Literature Jon Scieszka! Yes, Ambassador. I didn't know we had one either but whomever chose Mr. Scieszka made a fabulous choice.
The wonderful Blue Willow Bookshop gave the event all the pomp and circumstance that an ambassador requires. Not only did they drive him up in a snazzy convertible, they had trumpets announce his arrival as he walked on the red carpet. There was also a cub scout flag ceremony as well as a presentation of the keys to the city, er, bookstore.
Then after a hilarious talk about his new book KNUCKLEHEAD, I joined the long, long book signing line. They told us not to take pictures with the Ambassador for security reasons (no, really because it would be too time consuming) which is why I am trying to sneak a photo in on the side here.
But as I got my book signed, my lovely librarian companion Gayle informed Ambassador Sciescka that I was Grace Lin, a fellow author and illustrator. Surprisingly, he seemed to know who I was and I got to take a photo with him after all (with ambassadorial medal).
I was quite shocked that he recognized little ol'mushroom me, but maybe that is why he is THE AMBASSADOR. They probably have to know all those kinds of things for diplomacy reasons.


  1. Oh Grace - you are more like an oak in the land of literature than a mushroom


  2. Grace, It looks like you were having fun. It's good to see you smiling! Thanks for the report:0) Hugs!

  3. If you like jazz and have time, maybe you'd be interested to see a performance by my childhood friend who is now a jazz singer in Houston. http://daniellereich.org/

  4. Hilarious and awesome. Woo hoo!
