Thursday, March 05, 2009

what I'm working on

This bubble gum book has been going slow for me because my health is so up and down. Sucks, but what can I do? Anyway, this is the back cover (the colors are really off - it's much more pink)

I've also been doing some home improvements. I painted my bedroom violet (after trying out red, dark brown, light brown, stripes, you name it - yes, I drive myself crazy). I also repainted a piece of furniture, which quite frankly I think looks super and I tiled a little strip in the kitchen. Perhaps I will show pictures at some point. Repainting the bedroom forced me to clean out under the bed and I got to go through all my old art work and put it in the new flat files. It's fun to see what I did in school.

Okay, that's all for now. I need to get to work!!!!


p.s - if I get time today I'll post some of the great drawings the kids did for my school talk on tuesday

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