Thursday, May 07, 2009

You're Invited!

Okay, it's the launch I've been talking and talking about!

My new novel that I have talked about non-stop is finally going to make its debut. Not only do I think this book is the best I have ever written, the novel is being printed in full-color (very unusual for a novel); I think it is also the most beautiful. So, don't miss its coming out party! Because YOU, yes, YOU are invited. If you read this blog, I'd like to meet you. It's only fair, don't you think?

It will be on Saturday, June 6th at the Porter Square Bookstore! Please visit their website for directions and parking tips. This is the Evite, but I'm not sure if it is accessible without a formal invite. Just e-mail me at and I'll put you on "the list."

I will be reading and signing and giving away uber-cool goodie bags! In these bags (amongst other great loot) will be a homemade boxed cupcake. One of these cupcakes will have a coin baked inside it. If you have the cupcake with the coin in it--you are the WINNER! What do you win?

You'll win your name or likeness in my upcoming book!

Isn't that neat? Wouldn't you like to see yourself in a book? Or your child? So, come to the signing and get a cupcake!

Please pass on the invite to anyone you think might be interested and RSVP if you can, so I know how many cupcakes to make (of course, you can come last minute too--I'll make extras!). Hope to see you!!!

Can't make it? Reserve a copy to be signed and pick it up at your convenience! 617-491-2220

Not in the Boston area? Stay tuned for the virtual launch invite!


  1. Wish I could come, but I'll be reading my eyes out for the 48 Hour Book Challenge. I'll check out the virtual book launch though for certain.

    I've been saving your book as a "treat" for this weekend - the only quiet weekend I've had in ages. Maybe for Mother's Day reading.

  2. Grace,
    I've been following this blog for a few weeks now, and I just wanted to say congratulations on your book and I wish I lived near Boston! Your book launch sounds amazing!! I wish I could be there to see how the cupcakes turned out. What a cool idea!

    I'm living in China right now, but I'm moving back to the States this summer (after eight years). I'll be looking out for your book when I get back. :) I'll be paying attention for the virtual launch, too.

  3. Grace, I'm waiting for the rest of your video ads for this. Where is it?!
