Wednesday, June 24, 2009

goofy author indulgences

So, I have to admit I have begun to love doing author photos. I've discovered my inner Cindy Sherman;I'm enamored with the idea of transforming myself for that one photo and making the author photo as much a part of the art of the book as the illustrations are.

If you remember, I first started doing this with the author photo for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon (which will launch on July 1st!) where a glamour studio in Taiwan took me from this:To this: which has ended up:
For some reason, that just made me feel quite jolly and I decided that from then on I was always going to try to have a themed author picture.

Now, my book coming coming out in Spring '10 is "Ling and Ting." It a fun, sweet and silly early reader (grades K-3) featuring Chinese-American Twins in polka-dot dresses and cupcake cameos.

So, my author photo shoot for it includes photos like this:

Which one do you think I should use?


  1. Nice idea! I like the middle one!

  2. they're all amazing! I like the last one because you can see your face the best.

  3. Those pictures just made my day, they are so adorable! Where did you get the humongous cupcake?! I'd say picture #2 or 3.

  4. Of course, now I have to go and confuse things by saying I vote for #1! I mean, what kid can't relate to your expression of love towards that giant cupcake?

  5. I don't know if these opinions ever help because we all like different things. I like #2 because I love your smile and you look natural - as natural as one can look holding a giant cupcake. It looks a tad overexposed, but I'm sure that could be corrected easily.

  6. I can't decide so I sent them all to the designer and letting her choose! ha ha.

  7. I like the middle one, sitting, too! I'd make the blanket darker, though, and I bet your designer will work wonders. So fun!

  8. I love making your author photo match your book. I vote for #3.
