Sunday, July 26, 2009

A 40th Wedding Anniversary Slide Show

In my POETRY FRIDAY: Otherwise by Jane Kenyon post, I mentioned that I've received a lot of sad news in recent months about friends and a close family member. I so appreciate all of the thoughtful comments blog readers have left for me.

Last night, I thought I'd do something to brighten my own spirits--so I sat down and made a little slide show in remembrance of my 40th wedding anniversary. I met my husband Mike when I was in high school. We started dating when we were fifteen. We were married on July 19, 1969. We'll be holding our 45th high school reunion on August 23rd. We met many of our best friends in high school--and have remained close for nearly fifty years.

I had to create the slide show with pictures that were in my computer--so you won't see any of me and Mike in our ugly brown Bishop Fenwick uniforms. Still, it includes slides of our yearbook picture pages and the three friends I talked about in Friday's poetry post--as well as some of our beautiful daughter Sara, a few girlfriends that I've known since first grade, and the Blue Rose Girls.

Mike and I have indeed been fortunate to share our lives with wonderful family and exceptional friends.


  1. Thanks so much for doing this! LOVE all the pictures. What beautiful memories. Happy 40th again. :)

  2. Thanks, Jama! It was fun making the slide show. It was my very first attempt. I'm not terribly tech savvy--so it was a bit like solving a puzzle trying to figure out how to put everything together.

  3. What a great slide show! Love the pictures. You guys are such a great couple.

  4. Thanks, Alvina! Mike and I have had a great time together through the years. Mike's the best husband and father--and a wonderful person.

  5. aww, this is so sweet! 40 years! That is wonderful, a true testament that love & marriage can last a lifetime. Congrats!

  6. Grace,

    It's been a truly happy forty years for us! We've had the good fortune to have wonderful friends and family to share in our joys and support us when times are difficult.

  7. Aw, these pictures are so sweet! Congratulations on 40 years Elaine!

  8. Thanks, Anna. Mike and I have shared so many wonderful years together. Here's wishing the same for you and Bruno!

  9. Wow! What a beautiful story. Congratulations!
