Friday, October 02, 2009

POETRY FRIDAY: Autumn Acrostics

Elaine Magliaro
Animals get ready for winter--slip
Under stones, hide in hollow logs, bury
Themselves in pond bottoms. The
Underlife of leaves bursts forth in a
Myriad of colors and they dazzle like jewels on a
Necklace of trees.
Must fly south
Into the sun…must
Get going…before Mother Nature
Raises her icy hands
And frosts
This world
In white. Follow me
On the wing to a land that does
Not know the chill of winter
Like baby birds
Eager to test their wings
A scarlet flock takes flight in a silent
Valediction to summer.
Earthbound, they
Settle into autumn, curl up from the cold.
Crimson and gold, pumpkin
Orange, lemon yellow, burnt sienna...
Leaves don their autumn finery in
October to celebrate the season.
Restless breezes set them dancing,
Swirling through air like a rainbow of dervishes.

At Wild Rose Reader, I have a review of Alice Schertle’s book of mask poems, Button Up! Wrinkled Rhymes.

Kelly Herold has the Poetry Friday Roundup at Crossover this week.


  1. Fantastic acrostics.
    Unique form, indeed.
    Nicely done!

  2. Thanks for sharing these. They're such fine examples of form that they give me something to shoot for.

    I especially love poems about my favorite time of year!

  3. Greg and Tricia,

    Thanks! I posted these acrostics a long time ago at Wild Rose Reader. Although I disliked acrostics for most of my life, I've really gotten into writing them in the last couple of years.

  4. I love your colorful acrostics, Elaine! Perfect for a fall day like today!

  5. Thanks, Kelly. We've finally transitioned to fall here in Massachusetts. I love this time of year in New England.

  6. Enjoyed these very much! The first two are my favorites. Love this ... they dazzle like jewels on a Necklace of trees.

  7. LOVE these. Migration, especially...

  8. Nandind & Liz,

    Thanks. I'm glad you liked the acrostics. I love early autumn in New England. It's my favorite time of year.

  9. My favorite season and one of my favorite poetic forms. Beautiful, Elaine. Migration is my favorite!

  10. Thanks, Laura. Once I tried my hand at writing acrostics several years ago I got hooked on the form.
