Friday, January 14, 2011

Winter Wonderland: Original Snow Poems & Pictures

As Grace wrote in her post yesterday—it’s a winter wonderland here! I thought I’d post some of my original snow poems and pictures that I took yesterday.


Snow dropped by…
and here am I
catching flakes
of falling sky!


After the blizzard
snowmen are sprouting up
like winter wildflowers

Like stars shaken from
The sky, snowflakes whirling down
In white galaxies

A snowman shadow
paints himself in blue upon
a cold white canvas


It’s white snow,
Bright snow,
Soft-as-feathers light snow…
Tiny ballerinas there
Pirouetting through the air
With their shiny crystal shoes
In their winter dance debuts.

(I have written many different versions of this poem over the years. I'm not sure I've got it right yet.)

Snow whispered down so soft and light
I didn't hear it come last night.
A white coat covers everything--
The porch, the walk, my tire swing.

My yard looks like a polar bear
Wrapped up in her creamy hair...
All snuggled warm inside her skin
That will not let the winter in.

(Inspired by Joyce Sidman's Red Sings from Treetops.)

Winter White
whirls in the wind,
waltzes down from clouds,
alights with feathered feet.
It pillows the ground,
muffling the sound of footsteps
on the walk.
Winter White
wraps the rhododendron
in a fluffy shawl,
lays a feathered quilt
over the frozen pond.
Winter White
etches windowpanes with frosty fingertips.
It whispers through icy lips,
sounds like a ghost
shivering in cold blue shadows.

You can read more of my color poems here.


At Wild Rose Reader, I have Jack Attack: An Original Fairy Tale Poem.

Laura Salas has the Poetry Friday Roundup at Writing the World for Kids.


  1. We have had the most pathetic snow in the DC area this season. I suppose it's making up for our HUGE snow events last year. I'll save these poems for a soon-to-come (fingers crossed!) snowy day.

  2. Looks great there - nice photos.

  3. Great pictures! Love seeing that blue, blue sky! All we've got is old dirty snow and grungy cloudy skies. Ugh.

  4. Wow! These are gorgeous--my favs are Winter White (Winter White
    etches windowpanes with frosty fingertips.
    It whispers through icy lips,

    Winter Ballet

    (Tiny ballerinas there
    Pirouetting through the air
    With their shiny crystal shoes
    In their winter dance debuts.)

    the galaxies of snowflakes in your haiku and the idea of snowflakes as bits of falling sky.

    Bowing down to you, you poetry monster!
