Monday, August 06, 2012

baby book fail!

Richard Scarry's What Do People Do All Day? is one of my favorite books so I thought I would take it out to read to the Rain Dragon, though it is a kind of old for her.

 At first she was rather interested:

But she got quickly confused:

She's thinking, "Were those pigs eating bacon?"

I guess I should go and get some baby board  books for her instead! Any suggestions?


  1. We love the Mini Masters series (Julie Merberg and Suzanne Bober). And anything Sandra Boynton or Leslie Patricelli.

  2. Hi Grace,
    Happy to send you some Patricellis from Candlewick! To your Somerville PO Box? Send me a quick note at melissa92974 at yahoo dot com to confirm - or comment here. (I worked with Alvina at B&N and LB. We met a few times back in that era...)

  3. There's a cute line of baby books called Indestructibles that you can find at most bookstores now that feel like paper but babies can chew them without the book disintegrating like board books do. I've even thrown them in the dishwasher. My two little ones love them!

  4. Thanks, all! Love Sandra Boynton and will look up the Indestructibles!

    Melissa--would love some Patricelli's! I just stocked up on Maisy books--Candlewick makes such beautiful books!

  5. My kids loved books by Karen Katz, especially, "Where's Baby's Belly Button?"

  6. "We're Going on a Bear Hunt", by Michael Rosen & Helen Oxenbury was one of our daughters first favorites.
