Tuesday, September 26, 2006

why doesn't blogger like us?

Because if it did, it wouldn't be acting so strange and ignoring us when we hit "publish post" or "add comments." For 8 hours it has given all of us the silent treatment. What did we do?

But I have gotten through. Ha-HA!

So, while I have this opportunity, I'll share with you our future plans (if blogger ever forgives us). Coming soon will be:

1. Guest Bloggers: We'd like to get some different points of views--teachers, librarians, booksellers, agents so we've recruited some new voices to chime in once every month (or every other month, don't hold us to that). If you'd like to be a future guest blogger, let us know.

2. Over Cupcakes: These will be our discussion where we will talk about more controversial issues or just things that we all have lots to say about. Best when read with cupcakes.

There's more, but I'm afraid this won't post and I'll be spending all this time writing things that won't see the light of day.


  1. How about an editor/storyliner at a British kids book packaging company who used to work at LB with Alvina? I'd love to be a guest blogger...

  2. Oooh...totally, Sara! You can be 3rd in line. We have two guests lined up already. I think the packaging world is fascinating, and especially after the whole OPAL MEHTA scandal (sorry, had to mention it), people will be interested in hearing about that side of the business.

  3. Oooh...totally, Sara! You can be 3rd in line. We have two guests lined up already. I think the packaging world is fascinating, and especially after the whole OPAL MEHTA scandal (sorry, had to mention it), people will be interested in hearing about that side of the business.

  4. Oh, that sounds very interesting! I'm excited...

  5. Yippee! I'm happy to talk about it. I watched Opal Mehta with rapt fascination. I actually collected as many of the stories on it I could find, including the ones on the Harvard sites who just loved flogging Kaavya.
