Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Chowder on Martha!

No, Chowder is not physically on top of Martha, although that's not an impossible scenario. I can just picture him slobbering all over her.

Chowder by Peter Brown, will be a recommended holiday gift by Martha Stewart on her tv show! It'll be on in most areas tomorrow (Thursday,12/14/06) at 10 am on NBC, but check your local listings and tune in!

Unfortunately, Chowder has been selling so well that our warehouse has been out of stock for about a month (I know, I know, bad timing for the holidays--the reprint is due in mid-January), and and are out, too, but it should still be available at a local bookstore near you! Check out Book Sense for availability.


  1. Thanks Alvina. That will be fun to watch. I don't normally watch "Martha" so I had to check our TV listings. Same time, different channel. It airs on ABC here in AZ.


  2. I just saw the segment--I thought all the books she chose were great--their aesthetic was very "Martha." And I liked how she actually talked a lot about each title. Peter was in the audience, and they showed him, which was fun to see, too!

  3. Peter was great! I'm glad I caught the segment. Chowder 4-eva!

  4. Oh crap, that was today? Damn! I could have watched!

  5. I saw the show! So glad you mentioned it Alvina. I never turn the TV on during the day, so I never would've known. He looks just like what I thought he'd look like. And now I just have to go out and get Robert Sabuda's Christmas pop-up book too! There are even lights on the tree!
