Monday, March 26, 2007

how you got here

I was just checking our site meter and noticed that someone got to our blog through the following google search. I thought it was cute:

miny spy cameras for spys that are kids and are not toys and not other things


  1. That search is adorable -- child language at its best. It was so childlike in its language that I had to read it twice to get it! But then a picture of the child emerged, too.

    I like the seriousness of it and the phrase "spies that are kids."

    And if the author of that search is reading: there is a spy store in London that sells these kinds of cameras. They were very expensive when I saw them (about 7 years ago) but may have come down in price since.

  2. That is the best search phrase ever in the history of google.

  3. Man, I love that!

    The fact Libby is helping answer the search is hysterical, too!

  4. Love it. But how did that lead to you? Is this something you make available through your blog? Cause, um, I might... I mean, I have a FRIEND who might be interested...
