Monday, April 16, 2007

The city of hills

Sorry for another abbreviated post--I thought I would have more free time and more computer time on my vacation, but of course that is not the case. I'm in San Francisco right now on a mixture of vacation and work (but mostly vacation, I hope). On Friday night I attended author Sean Beaudoin's book launch party for his debut YA novel GOING NOWHERE FASTER (the book is hilarious, witty, and sharp, and has already received two starred reviews), and later this week am meeting with a few West Coast agents. I'll write more about that later.

I'm happy to report that I've already sat in one cafe for a good length of time so far, with I hope many more to come this week. I'm reading an adult book for once--A PERFECT MESS--and am enjoying it.

And with that, I have to go...more later, I hope!


  1. The last part of your post points out an interesting question for those working in children's literature, whether it's as writers, editors, teachers, agents, or librarians. How often do you get to read an adult book? Do you ever completely change genres when you do "outside" reading to cleanse your palate, so to speak?

    Myself, when I get my head above water again after this particular project I'm working on, I'll be reading an adult fantasy--so, still fantasy, but not in my regular reading so it doesn't feel like work anymore.

  2. Its funny you should mention that, I am reading an adult book right now for the first time in awhile. My last few books were young novels, I almost forgot what it was like to read a book for my age level. I have to say its refreshing, makes the differences between the two more obvious...

  3. Alvina,

    Welcome to San Francisco! A perfect Monday weatherwise. Enjoy!


  4. Oh, and Alvina,

    There is a local group called Not Your Mother's Book Club that I think you may be interested in. It was organized and is run by Jennifer Laughran, a wonderful local bookseller who works hard to put books in the hands of teens. She is a terrific advocate. I hope you meet her if you have not already.

    There is an event on Wednesday night at 7pm at Books Inc, Opera Plaza featuring Lauren Myarcle and Sara Ryan.

    Here is the blog site:


    p.s. check out her interview of Andrew Karre of Flux on March 7th blog entry. Fascinating to those of us not in house...

  5. Oh, I wish I could have gone to that event, Katherine! My trip has been so much busier than I anticipated. But I've had such a great trip that I want to make this an annual thing. Till next year...

    Oh, and I try to read an adult book whenever I can. Which means maybe one every two months. But I think it's important to read outside of the genre in which you work.
