Monday, March 31, 2008

remember this?

And this used to creep me out big time... yet I kept wanting to watch it.

The part I didn't like was when the guy turned into different things. I think it harks back to my fear of people not being who they say they are. I used to have nightmares about people turning into evil characters and trying to CHANGE me into someone else. I often woke up screaming and yelling "Mommy! Daddy!" until one of them came in to calm me down. One vivid memory was a woman who tried to put special glasses on me. The glasses would turn me into what the rest of the neighbors had been turned into--some sort of alien invasion type thing. I wonder a lot of kids worry about this... or was it just me? I was always a bit odd. Nevertheless, I'm sure other people were a little weirded out by the video. Were you?


  1. I loved those Sesame Street cartoons when I was a kid. One of my favorites was this one:
    My sister and I have been quoting it to each other ever since.

    As for being scared, I don't really remember any of the cartoons creeping me out. But have you ever seen "The Dark Crystal?" Now that's one that's scary as all get out, but for some reason as a kid I was frightened at all.

  2. Oh my god, I remember these cartoons! I was totally scared by them too, especially the second one. The soundtrack and the wierd monsters made the world seem like a strange and scary place. But looking at them now they just seem like a sign of the times. I wonder if cartoons now are as representative of their era as these are of the 70's.

  3. Yeah, these cartoons were really trippy. I want to post a really trippy one on the color wheel. I think they're so much better than the computer animation that is offered today--there's something too sterile about it.


  4. I don't remember the first one, but I do remember the second. I remember liking it (actually I still do!)

  5. God, I love the 70's! Neither of these were disturbing, but I do remember running out of the room and hiding every time Augustus Gloop got sucked up the chocolate pipe in the Willy Wonka movie. Shudder.

  6. Wow, what a blast from the past. I was totally freaked out by those, too!

  7. Whoa was that a blast from the past. My husband and I watched these with our mouths open, reliving. (Actually, he remembered the first and I didn't, but we both loved the second one!!)

    Was that really all there was to that second one? I remember it being a lot trippier than that!
