Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Abigail paintings

A short post today- I am busy working on the paintings for my new book Abigail Spells. Here is a sample:


  1. really nice Anna! they are so cozy, they remind me of pictures I would have loved to live in as a kid. good luck on the rest :)

  2. Love the contrast in color palettes! Also, I have no idea what the book is about, but these two pieces remind me of that scene in When Harry Met Sally where they're on the phone watching Casablanca at the same time. :)

  3. Very soft, warm feeling to both of them. One thought popped into my head though, the phones have cords?

  4. Thanks guys! Ha- yes I forgot about that scene from When Harry Met Sally! Love the reference. Abigail and George are best friends and saying good night to eachother before going to sleep. And yes, they do not live in a wireless world : )

  5. I want to move into that cozy world TONIGHT! Great characters, colors, details.

  6. ps - wire devices are dying out but this scene looks better with the cords!

  7. wire devices are dying out

    So true, my children (in their late 20's and 30's remember cords attached to phones but my grandchildren have never seen them before and only know of handsets that are placed into chargers.
    So weird to think about what was commonplace for us, is odd to this generation. I don't think a child these days could tell time without it being off a digital device. Clock hands? What are those and what does a quarter to 8 mean?:)

  8. I love phones with wires, I know they are disappearing, but old phones are such interesting visual objects. I've seen some children's toys that still have wires on them, hopefully it won't be too hard for kids to figure out.

  9. Anna, I think books and our illustrations "keep" these things alive for children. I haven't had a cord phone in my home since.. hummm perhaps 15 years ago now but when I think of phones, I think of the ones with the cords. Heck, I'm almost tempted to admit I think of the rotary dial too, which I'm sure YOU have only seen in b/w movies and old books:) I instinctively draw a reciever with a cord, only once has a publisher (in Korea) called me on it and had me change it to a handset but this was for a middle school text book and they were precise and picky about every element of every illustration. It seems school text books are judged before being allowed to be published?
    I think the cords "tie" these two friends together, it's lovely!
