Thursday, August 28, 2008



  1. I have to say the graphic nude is a little much, isn't it?
    For a children's book professional blog, it's a bit out of line.

  2. I will see what the others have to say. If they want it of I'll take it off... but I think that "anonymous" is really out of line this time. This "graphic nude" is done by a well known painter. Stores like B&N have her book on the first floor on display WITH the nudes in it. On a few books the nudes have been on the cover by painters like her. I'm sorry you're uncomfortable with your sexuality. Perhaps you should take some nude art classes drawing classes--I know I got a lot out of them and realized that the human for is just that. Nothing more. Certainly not sexual.

    Again, this isn't a blog for children. It's a blog for adults. I certainly wouldn't show a nude in one of my school talks... or put it on my website in a place I thought kids would look. But still, if I had a child, I'd let them look. My dad did and I am forever grateful. He had loads and loads of art books... many with nudes... and I looked at them at a very young age. I learned a lot!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I totally understand your point about nudes being works of art and should not be thought of as sexual, and I completely agree. I was just a little shocked to see such a prominent display of a woman's body from that vantage point on this blog, where I'm used to seeing cute bunnies and food. There is definitely a place for this type of art, which I have to stress again I have no objection to and embrace whole-heartedly (the female body IS a work of art) but in my opinion, which you can take or leave, this blog doesn't seem like the right place for it.

  5. The nude in art, and in drawing classes, is never merely sexual. But it's never entirely asexual, either. Why would it be?

  6. Anonymous 11:02 here. Sorry. Should have identified myself as different from the previous anon.

  7. I don't know, from my experience, nude art in drawing classes is NEVER sexual. Gosh, it gets boring after a while. It becomes way more about technically analyzing a form.

    My friends said that they were offended because I didn't list the artists' names. For that I'm sorry. I should have.

    I'll fix all of this when I have the time.
