Thursday, February 19, 2009

arm wrestling BRG style

So we got together this sunday for a little evening gathering (I came late - not a surprise). somehow the conversation got to the topic of arm wrestling (I think I first suggested it - again, not a surprise) but this time it wasn't my idea, I swear! Linda and I were to face off. This is how we ended the evening. I think we both injured ourselves.

Anyway, I filmed it with my crappy camera. Then of course I needed to make a little opening. Since my laptop needs some space I don't have any room to put the video on it until I get room and can delete some things. I did manage to make an opening for the bit. I will say this: I've been feeling like complete crap all week - a headache that wouldn't go away no matter how much vicodin I consumed and a permanent quesy, vomity feeling. Good times. So somehow this evening after consuming I swear a whole bottle of ibuprofen this week, I actually felt somewhat normal? And what do I do with my time? Make an opening for the video of course. And does it seem like I'm normal? No. More like on heavy drugs. Observe:

Once again, there is at least one typo. Uh, yeah, I forgot it's 2009. So much for that.

Does Linda win? Or do I? Stay tuned....


  1. Omg I love it Meghan!! Ha ha perfect. We do love our cupcakes and arm wrestling!

  2. ha ha! can't wait to see it finished!

  3. Holy cow, I was bustin' up here in the office. Freakin' fantasticallyhilarious.

  4. That into was pretty trippy...I almost spaced-out then BAM! That announcer came on and was laughing too hard to focus. I can't wait to see the bout!

  5. Yes, I can't stop laughing. The plastic ponies part and then the rest--too totally perfect. And I can't wait to see the SCENE!

  6. Ugh...I meant that INTRO was trippy.

  7. I'm relieved that you guys don't think I"m totally nuts! Can you tell that I did the voices?

  8. that was fantastic! And I love the scene stealing plastic ponies!

  9. that's because ladies love plastic ponies. They'll get you every time.

  10. I do think you're totally nuts. I love it. I love plastic ponies. I am a pony bandito.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Meghan,

    Linda's right. You are nuts--or maybe just a tad off center. That's why your videos and posts are so interesting to view/read.

    P.S. I'm a bit demented myself--just ask my husband and my daughter.
