Sunday, February 01, 2009

if only i could open my big mouth

So I've finally checked out some of the award winners. Grrr. I want to say what I think! As you can imagine, I don't have a good opinion of them all. In fact, there are some big criticisms that I'd like to make. Sigh. But I can't. I won't bash a fellow-author or illustrator's work publicly. So I guess that's that. That's why when we BRG have discussed doing book, reviews I've always said "no." Perhaps one of these days I can launch an anonymous blog. Then I can say what I really want to say. Until that day comes... 

I guess this is a meaningless post.

On the topic of awards--a big congratulations to Sean Qualls! Yay Sean! Now there's a guy who deserves it.



  1. I was reading this blog with my daughter and after I read the title: If Only I Could Open My Big Mouth...

    My daughter (who is 20) chimed in saying: And, If Only You Could Close Yours.

    (Maybe I talk too much)


  2. Well, we'd love to hear about the ones you liked, if you can share that! (Otherwise, I can't help thinking that maybe you didn't like any of them...)

  3. Which books of the last year would you have chosen?

  4. Yes, Meghan,

    Tell us which books you think were overlooked in the awards.

  5. Meghan,

    I can understand your frustration (with who and what wins and with not feeling free to share your professional opinion). As a librarian, I often feel that books that win don't always represent the books of the year that kids absolutely fall in love with. You probably have more of an artistic perspective, but I get it! I'll "grrrr" with you :o)

  6. Certainly these awards do not reflect a childs taste in books or art. They are definitely an adults choice. Kids, for the most part, do not adore soft and pretty art, they are confused by abstract art, they are not attracted to painting that makes them think "hey, I draw like that". Unfortunately, this is not about children. There are awards based on children's choice and those are the ones we can truely value and that are possible for many of us to achieve because the decision is a reaction to the enjoyment of the art/book, not an adults reasoning and a second guessing of what is GOOD ART and what is NOT.

    Give me a book like "Grumpy Bird" any day of the week:)

  7. Well... I looked at the nonfiction books of course... and then tried to get the caldecott ones but BN didn't have any... and well, I haven't really looked at anything else. I didn't get to see all the nonfiction winners so I don't think I can fairly comment on those either. I had a few comments that I ranted about after looking some things over, but as I'd said, I won't say what they are. Grrr. As I'd said to the other BRG ladies, I don't want to even write positive reviews on this blog because eventually I think that will lead to no good as well. Opening that door... or something like that.

    Kim, I don't think it's so bad to be a big mouth. That's how you get known!
