Friday, May 22, 2009

Politics by William Butler Yeats

In honor of Memorial Day I have a Favorite Poem Project video of Stephen Conteaguero talking about his life and reciting the poem Politics by William Butler Yeats.

Politics by William Butler Yeats

You can read the poem here.


At Wild Rose Reader, I have a link to a post at Mama Without Borders about a woman making and using a “poetry suitcase” to get her young daughter and son excited about poetry. I also have recommendations for poetry collections and anthologies that are excellent for sharing with preschoolers, kindergartners, and children in the early elementary grades.

Susan Taylor Brown has the Poetry Friday Roundup today.


  1. Poetry seems to have such an exclusive audience (namely, other poets like myself). It turns most people off. Editors are rarely interested in poetry, probably for this reason. Most discouraging.

  2. I think we should always take care to get an author's name right. William Butler Yeats is the great Irish poet, not Yates.

  3. Anonymous #2,

    Thanks. I had the named spelled correctly in the title--then misspelled it in the post. OOOOPPPS!

  4. Great poetry quote. I just read an interesting article about William Butler Yeats.
