I’ve been really busy with mother matters and with plans for my daughter’s upcoming wedding in July. I didn’t have time to write up a poetry post for today…so I’m sending you over to
How Sweet It Is!: A Poetry Tale, my
Poetry Friday post at
Wild Rose Reader. You can read about a trip Grace and I took to
Yummies candy store in Kittery, Maine, in June of 2008. We took a field trip up there so I could get inspiration for a collection of candy poems that I was planning to write. Grace helped me select the subject of candy. Each of us has a serious sweet tooth!
(NOTE: My Wild Rose Reader post includes Salt Water Taffy, one of my candy poems from the collection.
Here are a few pictures from our trip up to Yummies:
What a fascinating candy shop. I'm a chocolate lover myself. Your poems capture the true feelings of man's joy.