Sunday, August 15, 2010

Two BRGs in the NY Times Book Review today!

Congratulations to Grace and Meghan -- and good for the NY TIMES, too, for GETTING IT. That's not always the case with reviews!

Read the reviews (and see better pictures) for POP here and LING AND TING here.


  1. aww! thanks for posting, Libby! I'm so excited that Ling & Ting is in there. My first time, it's a bit of old hat for Meghan!

  2. Congratulations, ladies, on the well-deserved rave reviews!

  3. This book sounds wonderful. Can't wait to pick it up!

  4. Katherine Tillotson8/15/10, 9:31 PM

    Congratulations Grace and Meghan! Two wonderful books and two wonderful reviews. I love that the NYTimes included visuals from both. Brava!

  5. That is great news! I love both books. Thanks for letting us know about their reviews in the NYT, Libby.
