Friday, March 11, 2011

POETRY FRIDAY: An Original Cinquain

The cinquain is a poem of five lines and twenty-two syllables that was developed by a woman named Adelaide Crapsey.

Two syllables
Four syllables
Six syllables
Eight syllables
Two syllables

Here’s a cinquain that I wrote a few years ago. I think it’s perfect for posting at this time of year.

Weary and worn,
Wearing a muddy white
Robe, frees her icy grip, makes way
For spring.


At Wild Rose Reader, I have an original end-of-winter poem.
The Poetry Friday Roundup is at Liz in Ink.


  1. This post led to me spending a chunk of the afternoon reading Adelaide Crapsey's cinquians -- my favorite being this:


    These be
    Three silent things:
    The falling snow...the hour
    Before the dawn...the mouth of one
    Just dead.

    Now I can say I learned something new today -- thanks!

  2. Thanks, Jonathan. I've read a number--but not all--of Crapsey's cinquains. Is there a collection of her poetry that you can recommend to me?

    Children's poet Myra Cohn Livingston said the cinquain was one of her favorite poetic forms.

    Here's one of Myra's cinquains from her book "Monkey Puzzle and Other Poems":

    Birches: Doheny Road

    We, the
    white ladies, stand
    before winter, disrobed,
    uncovered, watching for one sign
    of grace.
