Friday, April 29, 2011

Two Original Acrostic Poems about the Month of May

So sorry that I'm late posting this last Poetry Friday of National Poetry Month. I was busy this morning finishing my Wild Rose Reader post about Janet Wong's poetry book The Rainbow Hand: Poems About Mothers and Children, which would make a perfect Mother's Day gift. Then I had a hair appointment. After that I visited with my mother. I wanted to take her out into the sunshine and fresh air because it's such a beautiful day here--and we haven't had too many days like this since spring began.

I have too acrostics for you about the month of May. The first is from an unpublished poetry collection that I wrote titled Spring into Words: A Season in Acrostics. I wrote the second acrostic in my head while I was driving in my car earlier today.

Me? I’m the month when spring is in full swing...when the sun batters up

And hits a homerun nearly every day…when

You find summer in the bullpen warming up.

Melts the cool green of

April into rivers of

Yellow sunlight

The Poetry Friday Roundup is at The Opposite of Indifference.


  1. Hi Elaine, I've loved all of your posts this month for National Poetry Month! I've been really trying to dive into poetry and I still have a lot to learn, but what fun to think of an Acrostic poem for May! Yours are awesome and you inspired me to give it a try :D

    Married to April

    A happy arrangement indeed

    Yarrows, lily’s, tulips, and flowers galore celebrate their union

  2. Love the baseball imagery in the first one!
