I've been traveling to San Francisco, CT and now PA, but I wanted to share this awesome little movie. Remember the 90-Second Newbery Film Festival I blogged about? Well, here is a new entry based on Where the Mountain Meets the Moon! YAY! YAY!!
It's from Elisa Gall's 4th and 5th grade volunteers at Orrington School in Evanston, IL and it's great! I think it was particularly clever the way they used paper puppets--kind of an homage to Chinese shadow puppets as well as getting around budget restraints of hiring a green tiger and building a well:
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon (in 90 seconds) from Elisa Gall on Vimeo.
Isn't that great? Thanks so much, Elisa Gall and Orrington School Students! I'm sending you a print from my etsy shop as a small thank you. I hope you like it!
And I also hope this encourages others to make a 90-second film for the festival. I'd absolutely would love to see more interpretations of my book, as well as other Newbery books!
Oh my goodness that was so cute! They did a really great job. I especially liked the little voice toward the middle that said, "But this tastes good!"