Saturday, June 11, 2011

talking to grown-ups

About this time last weekend, I was looking at something like this:

Because I was the keynote speaker for the NJ SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) conference. While I do a lot of speaking, it had been a while since I presented to adults. I had to catch myself before I said anything like, "Now, please sit criss-cross applesauce!"

But it was very enjoyable! I forgot how much nice it can be speaking at events like this. I met many lovely people, including conference attendee Tara Lazar who wrote a recap of my speech here (thanks, Tara!) , Joyce Wan, the creator of Wanart which produces the adorable onesies I give to all my friends' new babies (which reminds me, I have to buy some more...)and many, many other talented authors and fantastic artists who are too numerous to name.
(Though I did want to include this photo of me and the talented Ryan Sias from whom I stole this photo from off of FB. It makes me laugh that we are matching. Ironically, later that day, I had a conversation about how the new thing in Korea is for couples to dress identically. So in Korea, people would've thought we were a couple! I'll have to get the Sasquatch a red shirt, now.)

But my favorite part was when later in the day Alvina and I gave a workshop about the author/editor relationship. Some of you may know that even though Alvina is my editor, she is also "Melody" in The Year of the Dog which is why I showed this photo:

Ha ha!!


  1. It was a terrific speech, Grace. Sometimes when authors have so much success, it's easy for others to think they always had an easy time finding their voice and breaking into the business. You reminded us that the most talented people make hard work look easy! (P.S. I'm in that first photo, 2nd row, third from right, waving!) ;-) It was so nice to finally meet you in person. Hope to see you again soon. Continued success!

  2. Oh my god I love that photo of you and Alvina. Do you have a perm?

  3. *Love* the photo at the end! And the conference looked wonderful.
