Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Greta painting in progress

What a lovely weekend it was, full of joy and beauty and the most amazing wedding cupcakes I have ever seen! Congratulations Grace and Alex!

Back to work on A Photo for Greta...

I'll put up the rest next week!


  1. I love the way the leg is crossed. It makes the moment seem more intimate for some reason.

  2. Hi Anna -- would you share a little bit about your writing process? I am always curious about how author/illustrators work, how they segue back and forth between the two sides of the creative process.

  3. Hi Abigail- I go back and forth between writing and sketching pretty organically. Usually I start by sketching a character, then slowly build a story around him or her. After the basic plot and character have been fleshed out, I go about refining the writing, giving the story a rhythm, cutting out anything unnecessary until the text and sketches balance eachother nicely.

    Hope that helps!

  4. Anna, so you make a character first? Interesting.

    I don't at all. I write the story first and don't think about the art until I'm done. After I finish the art I'll cut the text since some of the story might be in the art.

    I guess we all do it differently!


  5. The colors are beautiful and the characters are so rich! Just the way they're sitting -- the father looks so relaxed and comfy, the daughter thrilled and eager, on her best beahvior....and fashionably dressed, of course. (ala the child's comment on ABIGAIL: "Everyone in the book has good fashion.")

