Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong compiled a special book of poems, Dear One, as a tribute to Lee. I was thrilled to be asked to contribute a poem to Dear One.

Here's a picture of me with some of the children's poets who attended the Poetry Party for Lee Bennett Hopkins.
L to R: Janet Wong, J. Patrick Lewis, Kristine O'Connell George,
Moi, Rebecca Kai Dotlich

Here’s the poem I wrote for Dear One. The words in italics are titles and a subtitle of poetry books that Lee has published.
Eating Poetry
by Elaine Drabik Magliaro
Here we are
sitting side by side,
eating through a day
full of poems,
chewing on wonderful words,
delicious words
full of surprises—
words that flit, flutter, fly
from our tongues,
words that taste of
April, bubbles, chocolate,
words with the scent of sky magic.
Here we are
sitting side by side
savoring similes,
munching on metaphors,
rhymes dribbling down our chins,
licking rhythm from our lips.
Here we are
sitting side by side
in the city I love
eating poetry
a l l d a y l o n g…
The Poetry Friday Roundup is at Becky’s Book Reviews.
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