I'm currently working on a crowd scene. Those are the hardest and most time consuming to do. I've found that it's a lot like carving. You have to whittle away at it piece by piece until the scene forms. For other scenes I'll lay out blocks of colors quickly, but not when I'm doing such a busy spread.
Here's a sample of the progression (the whole thing will be posted on my website later)

That is so cool! Thanks for posting it!
Totally cool! It reminds me of tha show where that guy illustrated a scene or two from a children's book or story while it was being narrated, and by the end of the story the painting was finished. Who was that guy, anyway? And what was that show? Sorry, just a random memory...
Alvina, I know what you're talking about! I loved that show. It was some PBS thing, right? The only thing that irritated me was that he never finished the story. He'd say "Now check out the book at your local library for the rest." Arg. I'd usually watch him while out sick with the flu or some such. He used pastels on colored paper.
I hate doing crowd scenes, I'll go out of my way to avoid them as much as possible. Teachers tried to make me do them in school. Maybe it's partly laziness, people take me too long to paint. But I also don't like being in crowds myself....
You handle it spectacularly though!
Nice crowd scene.
I always love seeing another artist process!
I am a big fan of your work! : )
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