Writing and illustrating books is a little like sending little seeds out into the world to blow in the wind and find their way. This week I have been up to my knees in paper and tape- making book dummies for submission into the great wide world of publishing... 5 x-acto blades and 6 rolls of double stick tape later I left this pile on the floor of my studio (yes I had fun playing with it, and yes there is more than one book here):

and this neat pile on my desk, ready for fedex:

Fingers crossed for my little seeds. And my apologies to all the trees that were destroyed in the process.
I want to see inside the dummies! (-;
I'm curious -- are you sending them all at once to multiple publishers? Or do you have an agent?
your dummies are so nice and neat. Mine always look like they were made in a hurricane.
The scraps are like a birds' nest, and the dummies are the baby birds that are ready to fly...
Sorry, I know that's cheesy, but I guess I'm in an analogous mood again!
Abigail- I have an agent, she is sending a couple stories out on multiple submission. When I was sending them out on my own I never sent out this many at once, eek! I promise a peek down the road, once the work is underway...
Alvina- I too thought the paper looked like a bird's nest. I don't want to throw it away, there must be some fun craft that can be made out of it!! If only I had more room, though its probably good that I don't.
You could make a puppet out of it.
or something out of paper mache?
All fingers crossed for the seeds!
ANd it will be fun to read about what happens on the blog!
When I had pet mice (who were models for a book), I would use it for their bedding. They loved it...alas, the mices are in mouse heaven now.
-stmmuyo (looks likejapanese word verification today...)
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