I'm doing a radio interview tomorrow for an Ireland radio station and the interviewer said that no one in Ireland knows about Balto - unlike here in the US where he is well known. I told him I didn't think he was that well known. What do you guys think? How many of you know or knew about him?
Know him? I love him! And, there's a statue of him in my park (Central Park, NYC).
Balto the dog? I know him! Though that might be mostly because I had a dog-obsessed little sister who had a multitude of books about him. I think he's pretty commonly known about for little kids, but there's a good chance adults don't know/remember.
I loooooooooooved the movie as a kid. (Not at all surprising, because it has so many story-telling elements I still adore.) And whenever I've passed the Central Park statue, kids are all over it, though I don't know if the plaque actually uses the name 'Balto' so who knows if they would be aware if it.
I know him. Because of a children's book or article - can't remember which.
I know him as well. Used him as a comparison study when teaching 8th graders White Fang. Plus, I think the movie came out when I was in high school.
Know him from the movie. And I think there have been a couple of movies where dogs watch the movie because that's how my kids know him.
Balto? Balto's amazing! He has his own movie (which is how I know if him). Most of my friends had seen the movie when they were younger, but I can't say if that was just a fluke in my area or what.
I only know of him because of the animated movie. I never saw the movie, but saw enough previews to know it was about a dog.
To be honest I had never heard of him before your book.
Thank you all for your comments!
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