We all have days when we are supposed to post. This is not my day. On my day I will probably have nothing to say. This is typical.
Anyway, here's a finish (the title pg) for my book called Strong Man. It should be coming out next summer... I guess... if I get the thing done. It's a biography (my first!). I'll talk more about that some other day.
I usually listen to NPR or an audio book while I paint. I used to listen to music but that would make me antsy and then I wouldn't get anything done. Two great audio books I've listened to lately (not kids's books!) are-- ENEMY WOMEN (historical nonfiction)--a very different perspective on the civil war and THE MEMORY OF RUNNING--a great book that takes place in RI, my home state!--it's a sad but hopeful book and kind of funny.
If any of you have any good audio book recommendations, please pass them my way!
meghan aka gloria who you won't hear from again until sat!
that's historical FICTION not nonfiction. duh.
My favorite audio book is Fred Chappel's "Look Back All the Green Valley." I love the story, but also one of my favorite narrators.
And did I forget to mention, the title page is awesome! I love your work, as you know...
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