She also encouraged blog readers to create poems using the online Magnetic Poetry Kit—saying: "Go ahead, give it a go. If you write some (G rated) magnetic poems come back here and share them in the comments. I'd love to see how you do."
Later, she posted the poems we composed. Here’s the poem I created using words included in the “Artist” Magnetic Kit:
By Elaine Magliaro
sculpt water
paint colors
create metaphors
fashion fiery impressions
chisel rhythm & symbol
capture imagination
ink beauty
Click here to view my poem as it appears on the Magnetic Poetry site.
You can also read Cloudscome’s post and the other “magnetic poems” that were created here.
Magnetic Poetry Site
You can create your own magnetic poem in five different categories:
You can submit your poems for posting at the Magnetic Poetry site. Categories of poems include: Love, Friends, Daily Life, Pets, Nature, Spiritual, Existential, Absurd, and Other.
My poem is posted in the “Other” category. You’ll see me listed under Elaine M., MA, USA, 3/22/09.
Click here to find the page with links to the poems submitted in all categories.
NOTE: If you compose a poem using one of the magnetic kits, leave it in the comments. I’ll post all the poems I receive next Friday.
At Political Verses, I have another original poem entitled Rush and the Pussy-Cat. It’s a Limbaughyme that’s a parody of Edward Lear's The Owl and the Pussy-Cat.
At Wild Rose Reader, I have Things to Do If You Are a Pencil, an original poem that’s included in Falling Down the Page: A Book of List Poems, a new anthology edited by Georgia Heard.
Julie Larios has the Poetry Friday Roundup at The Drift Record.
This is the one I made last week at Cloudscome's invitation. Hopefully it's not cheating too much to submit it here, too!
young woman
translucent universe
warm trust
wild worry
velvety questions
poetry window
My friend L. has these on her actual fridge, and it's terribly how much time I can spend -- ignoring her utterly -- to make poetry on her fridge! I really enjoyed the challenge of finding just the right words... off to try again...
Mary Lee,
I'm glad you submitted it here! I'll post it next week.
It can become addictive! I started another poem yesterday using the "poet" kit.
I love poetry - going to have a poetry contest for National Poetry Month starting this weekend on my blog. Stop by.
Thanks for letting me know about your contest, Kim. I'll be sure to stop by.
Thanks for reminding me about the Magnetic Poetry online. I keep forgetting. I quickly pulled together this bit:
translucent in youth
your question
lingers less than
Thanks, Pam! I'll post your poem next week. It's a bit of fun composing with the magnetic poetry kits, isn't it? Maybe I should get one for my refrigerator. Then I'd never get anything done.
This is a fun way to kill time.
Young wild life
your genius
so vivid
a world
Thanks, Meghan! I started a second "magnetic" poem but lost it when I had to restart my computer. I think I'll try again with a different kit.
Oh, I love "chisel rhythm and symbol." Sublime.
Thanks, Laura!
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