Monday, January 18, 2010

early morning phone call

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon won the Newbery Honor!!!!!!


Courtney Pippin-Mathur said...

Congratulations Grace!!

Anonymous said...


Laura Ludwig Hamor said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! SO DESERVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt Phelan said...

YAY! Very well-deserved! Congratulations, Grace!!!!!!

Donna Gambale said...


jama said...

Congratulations, Grace!! So so happy for you. I was rooting for you all along :)!

And congratulations, Alvina! You two are a dynamite team.

Anna Alter said...

Yaaaay Grace and Alvina!!! SO AMAZING AND WELL DESERVED!

Alicia Padrón said...

Congratulations!!!! What an amazing feeling that must be!!!! :o)

Katherine Tillotson said...

Congratulations! Brava!

Abby said...

Congratulations, Grace! Well deserved!

JKB said...

So many congratulations! WHOHOO!!!!

yamster said...

WOO-HOO!!!!! Congratulations, Grace and Alvina! How thrilling and so well deserved! Virtual cupcakes all around. :)

Lesley Breen Withrow said...

Congratulations Grace! You deserve it.

Jean Wogaman said...

Yay!!! Congratulations, Grace!

Z-Kids said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats! And Elations!

- AZ

Heather said...

Congrats! These photos are just priceless!

Nancy Arruda said...

Congratulations!!! So Awesome!

Douglas Florian said...

wonderful Moonday!!!!!!!

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

I just saw the news on Pub Lunch and wanted to drop by and say Congratulations! My daughter read your book a couple months ago and SO ENJOYED IT. She even wanted to write a review for it on my blog, which she'd never wanted to do before -- so I think that's saying something. We lived in China for eight years and adopted our daughter while we were living there, so she loves every China connection. Thanks so much for writing a wonderful book and, again, CONGRATS!! Well-deserved.

louisa said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you :0)

Heather Hedin Singh said...

Congratulations, Grace! And thanks for sharing the photos. You look so happy!

CKHB said...

"I bought her book BEFORE it was a Newberry winner..."


Nicole Tadgell said...

Congratulations!!! A well-earned reward!! Now you get to pick a new dress. :)

Kristi Valiant said...

Congratulations, Grace! I just finished reading your book last week and adored it!

Lefty said...

WOW!!!WONDERFUL!! MAGICAL!! Congrats Grace and Alvina!! Savor every special moment.

Judy Freeman said...

Hi Grace--

I've been championing the glorious WTMMTM at workshops for teachers & librarians all over the U.S. this year, hoping the book would score a nice shiny medal.Whoopee! I'm over the moon for you! Wishing you a year of joy and celebration--

Judy Freeman

Daisy Whitney said...

Congratulations Grace and Alvina!