Perhaps you have missed it. Perhaps you have no idea what I'm talking about. Well, I"m talking about my personal blog. It was forgotten... but now it's not. If you read it, you may conclude I am truly nutty. It is 4:30 and I'm back to my old ways of staying up until 5 or 6 or so. I blame the magnesium. (no, I do not care to explain... I'm too busy making my party music mix... which is brilliant, by the way!)
So, on to REAL news.
If I am not mistaken, I will be giving books away at the Strong Man party. Yay! That's right folks! Now you can really bring your party hats! Woo-hoo! Hip hip horaay! Jump up and down! It's a celebration! Rock on! Do the chicken dance!

Okay, it really is late. I do need sleep at some point.
Anyway, at the strong man party there will also be a giant wooden cut-out of a strong man that you can put your face in... for photo opportunities. So bring your cameras!
Yeah. No more exclamation points for me. I'm going to go paint and hope I don't color everything odd colors.
(no, I do not know those people... but they're my type of folks. Yeah, they really are...)
I wish you would have had it during BEA! I am sure it will be as much fun as a gymnasium full of paper-cup-toting party animals, just like the picture implies- post all about it!
I love hearing all these plans for parties. You girls really do know how to throw a party! Sound like it will be a great time Meghan. Only wish I could come and meet you all.
Wishing you lots of book sales, press, publicity, and fun.
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