So, what is on your desk this week?
Anna: Today, I have nothing on my desk! I handed in the art for Abigail Spells on Tuesday, then came home and did some cleansing. It is very therapeutic to clean your desk after finishing a project, sort of like closure. Isn't it nice and sparkly?

Grace: Working on chapter headers for my novel. Only 27 more left to go! sigh.

Elaine: Meghan's new book, Astronaut Handbook, is on my desk. (Note: The Fascinating Facts page in the back matter is full of interesting tidbits of information.) You can also see a red notebook and yellow folder. They contain drafts of poems I've been writing for my most recent collection, which now has about thirteen poems. The thick book on top of the notebook is my rhyming dictionary (The Complete Rhyming Dictionary and Poet's Craft Book, edited by Clement Wood). It's a great resource! There are also lots of nonfiction books that I've been browsing through.
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