Please forgive my lack of posting, the past few weeks have been mad! Since I lasted posted I have moved from Boston to Northampton, finished the book dummy for Disappearing Desmond, and been scrambling to finish planning my wedding which is now in LESS THAN THREE WEEKS. *gulp* Since I am still knee deep in boxes and seating charts, I will offer some highlights in pictures...
When we first arrived, my studio looked like this:

I needed to set it up right away to meet a deadline, I'd say its about 75% there now... still need to put up my bulletin boards do a little rearranging. Definitely the biggest work space I've had so far!

Here is George sleeping in the mess, with his head resting on a wooden shelf. Oh George.

Once the studio was in order I finished off the Desmond sketches I've been working on. I have to say I am very excited about this book.

When not drawing or unpacking, I've been attempting to continue with wedding craft projects. My mother and I are sewing cloth napkins out of this amazing fabric I found on

This is what they look like. Each place setting will have a different napkin, and guests will get a set as gifts.

Can't forget about the legal stuff! Yesterday we headed down to City Hall for our marriage license:

Here we are out front, bleary-eyed but happy. Its been a little crazy having everything happen at once, but when we took the oath and got our little slip of paper we couldn't help but feel that everything is happening just as it should.

Oh George! Oh lovely couple. Glad everything is falling into place as it should. Happy wedding and happy housewarming!
You are sewing cloth napkins in the middle of all of this? When do you sleep?
Yeah, how are you finding the time? Your space looks great. And congrats on getting the paper part done! Yesterday my friend told me she is getting married in august. I'm going to be the only single person left. Eep!
Ha I know, I am crazy with the craft projects. And also very stubborn about making things by hand. Fortunately my mom is an excellent seamstress and doing me BIG favors.
And we are having a very tiny wedding, so that helps...
Congrats on the license. Almost there! Those napkins are soo pretty!
And YOU HAVE YOUR LICENSE. You're legally married now, right? Wow.
Its not legal quite yet, the officiant has to sign it after the ceremony, etc... almost there tho!
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