Okay, it's the party I've been waiting for! As you know from all my various posts like this and this, I've been harping about having a party for ages. So the time has come.
And YOU, yes, YOU are invited. It is a birthday, book and blogger party! I've always read with great envy all those posts about New York KidLit Drink Nights; and, hey, we Boston-area people deserve some fun too. So how about it?
It will be on Saturday, May 19th, 1pm at the Spark Craft Studio in Davis Square . Please visit their website for directions and parking tips. This is the Evite, but I'm not sure if it is accessible without a formal invite. Just e-mail me at bluerosegirls@gmail.com and I'll put you on "the list."
There'll be homemade cupcakes & other yummies and free, stuffed goodie bags (so far they include an exclusive Lissy's Friends poster and an advance reading copy of my upcoming novel The Year of the Rat).
And you'll have a chance to WIN the original piece of art of that picture above! Yes, the original! I've decided to just throw everything I'm passionate about in, so I'm going to raffle it off at the party with tickets to benefit Robert's Snow.
All that as well as the great people--so you are guaranteed a good time! You don't want to miss it, bring your friends and spread the word. Everyone's invited!
Hope to see you. Please RSVP so I know how many cupcakes to make (though you can come last minute too).
Books by all the blue rose girls will be for sale at the event and available for autographing.
How fun Grace!
Unfortunately that is the NEscbwi conference in Nashua. I would have loved to have had the chance to meet you and of course have a cupcake!!
I wish I could come! I am afraid it is a bit too far to drive for me. I love that poster of Lissy passing out cupcakes!
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