First off, this past Sunday was the Greater Boston Jewish Coalition for Literacy's 10th anniversary celebration at the Boston Public Library (in the old, fancy part of the library- we were in a room just outside the fountain below!).

Linda and I were 2 of the 10 guest authors who gave brief presentations to kids and grown-ups in attendance, here is me talking to the kids:

But the coolest part was watching what the other authors did with their presentations, as I'm always interested in how different authors present themselves, and engage an audience. Below is Linda doing a drawing exercise which the kids LOVED. The best part of her presentation though was when she showed us a book that she had disassembled and turned into a puppet! Linda is a very accomplished puppeteer and performer... so it was the perfect mixing of talents. Wish I got a good shot of it!

On a completely different note (remember I said this was going to be rambling)...
I just discovered that Miranda July (performance artist extraordinaire) has just come out with a book of short stories! I haven't read it yet, but she made the coolest web site ever for her book:
The site is simple and funny and unassuming, just like her persona (she starred in her own move ME AND YOU AND EVERYONE WE KNOW a couple years ago). I especially love her suggestion that you wear the color of her book when you read it. Genius! And a great example of how book promotion does not have to be boring or cheesy or feel like "selling out."
Gives me some great ideas for ways to spruce up my own site. A wise artist recently told me 'don't be afraid to copy, because you never really can. Things always come out differently at your own hand. When something inspires you run with it...'
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Tag. You're it. I was tagged by Laura at Wordy Girls (who was tagged by Elaine, so blame her!), and now I'm tagging you for the 8 THINGS ABOUT ME meme.
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