We Blue Rose Girls asked our blog readers what we should talk about. Posse addressed the following comment to me: “And Elaine, I love love love each and every poem you share with us.”
I haven’t shared many of my original poems at Blue Rose Girls. I usually post my poetry at Wild Rose Reader, one of the other blogs I write for. From now on, I’ll start posting more of my original work at Blue Rose Girls on Fridays.
Today, I have a poem that I wrote in the form of a letter about fifteen years ago. It has a feminist flavor to it.
by Elaine Magliaro
Dear Lion,
I’m tired of doing the hunting, the preying
While your only job is to watch the cubs playing.
I’m tired of stalking the zebras and gnus
While you lie around on the grassland and snooze.
I’m tired of running, and pouncing, and killing.
I want a career that is much more fulfilling.
I’m tired, so tired. I’m spent to the core.
I work like a dog! You just eat, sleep, and snore.
I fetch ALL the food. You grow stronger…I thinner.
For the next seven days you can catch your own dinner!
I’m going away for a well-needed rest.
I’ll be seeing you soon.
All my love,
At Wild Rose Reader, I have Q & A with poet/anthologist Lee Bennett Hopkins. Last week, my blog readers posed questions to Lee. Click on over to Wild Rose Reader and read Lee’s answers.
Terry has the Poetry Friday Roundup at Scrub-a-Dub-Tub.
Thanks for posting, Elaine! This lioness makes me smile.
Tee hee! Hooray! What a fun poem.
I love your originals and will look forward to them here!
I'm with Posse, Elaine. *Always* love to see your original poems, and this one does not disappoint!
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