George Bush's Nightmare before Christmas--Brought to you by Brave New Films
Here's a video of an actor impersonating George Bush reciting a parody of Clement Moore's classic Christmas poem The Night before Christmas:
Here's an excerpt from George Bush's Nightmare before Christmas:
While children are dreaming of toys, dolls and ponies,
I’m out here scheming how to help out my cronies.
Yes to all my pals in the big corporations.
Here’s my gift to you: some new regulations.
From Think Progress and The Wonk Room
Bush’s Backward Sprint to the Finish
Excerpted from a post at Think Progress: In its “sprint to the finish,” the Bush administration is working tirelessly to promulgate or alter a wide array of federal regulations that would weaken government rules protecting consumers, workers, and the environment.
At Wild Rose Reader, I have an original memoir poem I wrote about my grandmother making her delicious Christmas babka.
The Poetry Friday Roundup is at Author Amok.
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