So, the deadline for the art of my new novel has been pushed up to…as soon as possible. I’m still determined to do my best quality work; however I know how this song goes. As my illustration activity level escalates to full capacity, my physical activity level diminishes to nonexistence; and #3 of the ten things I’ve learned becomes an unwelcome reality. It is inevitable—the shorter the deadline, the more unhealthier (and chubbier) I become.
And even though I foresee my fatty future, I seem unable to change it. Because not only do I spend my waking hours sedentarily sitting, my eating habits become appalling. My creative brain cells demand candy and pizza, calling labor strikes if I resist. The truth is I am completely unable to create well for extended periods of time unless fueled by unhealthy, high fat food. My focus seems to be sugar driven-- if I remember correctly I was on about three bags of candied ginger a day while writing WHERE THE MOUNTAIN MEETS THE MOON. I shudder to think what is upcoming...
If anyone has any helpful tips (other than hitting the gym like a maniac when my deadline is over) I'd be thrilled to hear them!
Sugarless gum! I would be doing the same thing with junk food if my mouth wasn't busy with something. I think there is some connection with eating and staying focused...gum helps bridge the gap for me.
My body does the same thing when I hit finals week and have a million papers to write and take-home tests to take. However, the nice thing about summer is berries. My body will usually accept fresh raspberries or cherries or something similar in lieu of chocolate covered caramel corn. I hope yours does, too!
Good Earth Vanilla Chai Tea with milk and a bit of sugar helps cut down my cravings. (Unless, of course, there's chocolate in the house...)
Maybe (probably) you need protein instead of sugar. Eat some meat and take that exercise break. You'll make up for the lost time with increased productivity.
Those pizzas looks yummy! Pizza is my favorite food--at least the way my husband makes them.
You can afford to gain a little weight. I wish I were a thin as you!
Totally sympathize with the book deadline crunch. "Fatty future?" Not so much sympathy for that one. Appalling lack of perspective, dear Grace.
You probably won't like my suggestion, but if you run for 20 - 30 min a day, or even 3 - 4 times a week you should be good to go. You can't jog and go really slow, you need to push it and then you'll get the benefit out of a short amount of time. That's what I do and I don't have any weight gain issues, despite the fact that I'm on several medications that cause severe weight gain (knock on wood)
I'm with Jennie--it's all about the blueberries!
Hi Grace
I understand,I am illustrating 3 books at the same time and feel your pain...and have one thing to say, "KETTLENETICS"
I am not connected to Michelle Khai but am over the top mad for this dancey workout with a 4 lb kettlebell.
This is a fantastic workout,pop a DVD in a and spend 20-40 minutes...
It will make a universe of differnce, honest!
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